Results for 'John D. Stanley'

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  1.  34
    Plato's Symposium.John D. Moore & Stanley Rosen - 1972 - American Journal of Philology 93 (4):612.
  2.  18
    Sexual Harassment: Insight and Abatement.John D. Stanley - 1984 - Business and Society 23 (1):32-36.
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    Computable Reducibility of Equivalence Relations and an Effective Jump Operator.John D. Clemens, Samuel Coskey & Gianni Krakoff - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-22.
    We introduce the computable FS-jump, an analog of the classical Friedman–Stanley jump in the context of equivalence relations on the natural numbers. We prove that the computable FS-jump is proper with respect to computable reducibility. We then study the effect of the computable FS-jump on computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers).
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    The environmental basis of memory.John R. Anderson, Shawn Betts, Michael D. Byrne, Lael J. Schooler & Clayton Stanley - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (5):1137-1166.
    Memory should make more available things that are more likely to be needed. Across multiple environmental domains, it has been shown that such a system would match qualitatively the memory effects involving repetition, delay, and spacing (Schooler & Anderson, 2017). To obtain data of sufficient size to study how detailed patterns of past appearance predict probability of being needed again, we examined the patterns with which words appear in large two data sets: tweets from popular sources and comments on popular (...)
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    Gramsci and Education.Paula Allman, Estanislao Antelo, Ursula Apitzsch, Stanley Aronowitz, John Baldacchino, Joseph A. Buttigieg, Diana Coben, Gustavo Fischman, Benedetto Fontana, Henry A. Giroux, Jerrold L. Kachur, D. W. Livingstone, Peter McLaren, Peter Mayo, Attilio Monasta, W. J. Morgan, Raymond A. Morrow, Silvia Serra & Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Antonio Gramsci is one of the major social and political theorists of the 20th century whose work has had an enormous influence on several fields, including educational theory and practice. Gramsci and Education demonstrates the relevance of Antonio Gramsci's thought for contemporary educational debates. The essays are written by scholars located in different parts of the world, a number of whom are well known internationally for their contributions to Gramscian scholarship and/or educational research. The collection deals with a broad range (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Roger R. Woock, Howard K. Macauley Jr, John M. Beck, Janice F. Weaver, Patti Mcgill Peterson, Stanley L. Goldstein, A. Richard King, Don E. Post, Faustine C. Jones, Edward H. Berman, Thomas O. Monahan, William R. Hazard, J. Estill Alexander, William D. Page, Daniel S. Parkinson, Richard O. Dalbey, Frances J. Nesmith, William Rosenfield, Verne Keenan, Robert Girvan & Robert Gallacher - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):84-99.
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    Hume on miracles.Stanley Tweyman (ed.) - 1996 - Dulles, Va.: Thoemmes.
    This is the first volume of a two-volume set containing the most important secondary literature on Hume on Religion (Volume 2, to be published in August 1996, deals with general remarks on Hume and Natural Religion). Focusing on responses to the Essay on Miracles , the material included in this volume ranges from 1751 to 1883. Authors include: T. Rutherford, William Adams, John Leland, George Campbell, Revd. S. Vince, John Hollis, Revd. James Somerville, Dr. Wately, Revd. A. C. (...)
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  8.  37
    The Poems of Callimachus (Book).Stanley Lombardo - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):524-526.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 524-526 [Access article in PDF] Frank Nisetich, trans. The Poems of Callimachus. With introduction, notes, and glossary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. lvi + 350 pp. Paper, $27.95. The front cover of this volume features the second century A.D. Oxyrhynchus papyrus fragment of the prologue to the Aetia, arguably the most influential programmatic piece in all Greek and Latin poetry. The back cover (...)
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    The Nature of Existence. By John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart Litt.D., L.L.D., F.B.A. II. Edited by C. D. Broad . Cambridge: At the University Press. 1927. Pp. xlvii + 480. Price 30s. net. [REVIEW]Stanley V. Keeling - 1928 - Philosophy 3 (12):519-.
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  10. The philosophy of education.Richard Stanley Peters - 1973 - [London]: Oxford University Press.
    These twelve articles consider central issues in the philosophy of education, particularly the concept of education, the content of education, teaching and learning, and justification of education. Contributors include John Woods, W.H. Dray, I. Scheffler, P.H. Hirst, P. Herbst, Mary Warnock, R. Pring, D.W. Hamlyn, and Mrs. P.A. White.
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    Response to comments on "detecting awareness in the vegetative state".Adrian M. Owen, Martin R. Coleman, Melanie Boly, Matthew H. Davis, Steven Laureys, Dietsje Jolles & John D. Pickard - 2007 - Science 315 (5816).
  12.  28
    Failure to replicate mood-dependent retrieval.Gordon H. Bower & John D. Mayer - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (1):39-42.
  13.  44
    Anthropocentric by Default? Attribution of Familiar and Novel Properties to Living Things.Melanie Arenson & John D. Coley - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):253-285.
    Humans naturally and effortlessly use a set of cognitive tools to reason about biological entities and phenomena. Two such tools, essentialist thinking and teleological thinking, appear to be early developmental cognitive defaults, used extensively in childhood and under limited circumstances in adulthood, but prone to reemerge under time pressure or cognitive load. We examine the nature of another such tool: anthropocentric thinking. In four experiments, we examined patterns of property attribution to a wide range of living and non-living objects, manipulating (...)
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    Using a hierarchical approach to investigate residual auditory cognition in persistent vegetative state.Adrian M. Owen, Martin R. Coleman, D. K. Menon, E. L. Berry, I. S. Johnsrude, J. M. Rodd, Matthew H. Davis & John D. Pickard - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  15. Aparté: Conceptions and Deaths of Søren Kierkegaard.Sylviane Agacinski, Kevin Newmark, John Vignaux Smyth & John D. Caputo - 1991 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 29 (2):113-122.
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    Towards an Embodied Poetics of the Self: Personal Renewal in Dewey and Cavell.D. Granger - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (2):107-124.
    This paper examines the different conceptions of personal renewal offered in the writings of John Dewey and Stanley Cavell. Both conceptions, I suggest, can be seen as attempting to reconcile the quest for self-realization with democratic life through a poetic, essentially Emersonian vision of the self as a continual work-in-progress. Accordingly, the kinds of selves that Dewey and Cavell seek are in the end highly compatible. Yet it seems clear too that Dewey and Cavell also stand in a (...)
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  17.  13
    Editors' Introduction.Debra Bergoffen & John D. Caputo - 1997 - Philosophy Today 41 (1):5-11.
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    Considering Whether the Dismissal of Vaccine-Refusing Families Is Fair to Other Clinicians.Michael J. Deem, Mark Christopher Navin & John D. Lantos - 2018 - JAMA Pediatrics 172 (6):515-516.
    A recent American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical report states that it is an acceptable option for pediatric care clinicians to dismiss families who refuse vaccines. This is a clear shift in guidance from the AAP, which previously advised clinicians to “endeavor not to discharge” patients solely because of parental vaccine refusal. While this new policy might be interpreted as encouraging or recommending dismissal of vaccine-refusing families, it instead expresses tolerance for diverse professional approaches. This is unlike the earlier guidance, (...)
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    Functional neuroimaging of short-term memory: The neural mechanisms of mental storage.Bart Rypma & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):143-144.
    Cowan argues that the true short-term memory (STM) capacity limit is about 4 items. Functional neuroimaging data converge with this conclusion, indicating distinct neural activity patterns depending on whether or not memory task-demands exceed this limit. STM for verbal information within that capacity invokes focal prefrontal cortical activation that increases with memory load. STM for verbal information exceeding that capacity invokes widespread prefrontal activation in regions associated with executive and attentional processes that may mediate chunking processes to accommodate STM capacity (...)
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    Letters to the Editor. Sangharakshita, Maurice Walshe & John D. Ireland - 1996 - Buddhist Studies Review 13 (1):67-70.
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  21.  31
    Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthy.Brian D. Berry - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):217-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthyBrian D. BerryReview of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity ROB ARNER Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010. 136 pp. $15.56Review (...)
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  22. Correction to John D. Norton “How to build an infinite lottery machine”.John D. Norton & Alexander R. Pruss - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (1):143-144.
    An infinite lottery machine is used as a foil for testing the reach of inductive inference, since inferences concerning it require novel extensions of probability. Its use is defensible if there is some sense in which the lottery is physically possible, even if exotic physics is needed. I argue that exotic physics is needed and describe several proposals that fail and at least one that succeeds well enough.
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    Going Out the Window: A Comment on Tweyman.John W. Davis - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (1):86-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86 GOING OUT THE WINDOW: A COMMENT ON TWEYMAN Whether your scepticism be as absolute and sincere as you pretend, we shall learn bye and bye, when the company breaks up: We shall then see, whether you go out at the door or the window; and whether you really doubt; if your body has gravity, or can be injured by its fall; according to popular opinion, derived from our (...)
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  24.  14
    Christianity and the Existentialists. [REVIEW]R. D. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):373-373.
    A study of the relevance of existential philosophy and art for present-day Christianity. The editor introduces the volume with a concise and pointed chapter on "What Is Existentialism?", following which are papers by Richard Niebuhr, John Mackay, Matthew Spinka, Langmead Casserley, Erich Dinkler, Paul Tillich, and Stanley Romaine Hopper. The book makes unmistakably clear that existentialism is having a tremendous impact on Christian thought in our time.--D. R.
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    Friedrich Schlegel and the character of romantic ethics.Benjamin D. Crowe - 2010 - The Journal of Ethics 14 (1):53 - 79.
    Recent years have witnessed a rehabilitation of early German Romanticism in philosophy, including a renewed interest in Romantic ethics. Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829) is acknowledged as a key figure in this movement. While significant work has been done on some aspects of his thought, his views on ethics have been surprisingly overlooked. This essay aims to redress this shortcoming in the literature by examining the core themes of Schlegel’s ethics during the early phase of his career (1793–1801). I argue that Schlegel’s (...)
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  26. The Dome: An Unexpectedly Simple Failure of Determinism.John D. Norton - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):786-798.
    Newton’s equations of motion tell us that a mass at rest at the apex of a dome with the shape specified here can spontaneously move. It has been suggested that this indeterminism should be discounted since it draws on an incomplete rendering of Newtonian physics, or it is “unphysical,” or it employs illicit idealizations. I analyze and reject each of these reasons. †To contact the author, please write to: Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (...)
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  27. Ignorance and Indifference.John D. Norton - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (1):45-68.
    The epistemic state of complete ignorance is not a probability distribution. In it, we assign the same, unique, ignorance degree of belief to any contingent outcome and each of its contingent, disjunctive parts. That this is the appropriate way to represent complete ignorance is established by two instruments, each individually strong enough to identify this state. They are the principle of indifference (PI) and the notion that ignorance is invariant under certain redescriptions of the outcome space, here developed into the (...)
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  28. Speciesism, Painism and Happiness: A Morality for the 21st Century.Richard D. Ryder - 2011 - Imprint Academic.
    Richard Ryder created the term speciesism in early 1970 and shared the idea with Peter Singer, who popularised it in his classic work _Animal Liberation_. A key figure in the modern animal rights revival Ryder appeared on the first-ever televised discussion of animal rights in December 1970. He further promoted the ideas around speciesism in recorded discussions with Bridget Brophy, for the Open University, and in his contribution to the seminal philosophical work _Animals Men and Morals_ edited by the Oxford (...)
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  29. Social facts, social groups and social explanation.John D. Greenwood - 2003 - Noûs 37 (1):93–112.
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    Against Ethics: Contributions to a Poetics of Obligation with Constant Reference to Deconstruction.John D. Caputo - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    "Against Ethics is beautifully written, clever, learned, thought-provoking, and even inspiring." —Theological Studies "Writing in the form of his ideas, Caputo offers the reader a truly exquisite reading experience.... his iconic style mirrors a truly refreshing honesty that draws the reader in to play." —Quarterly Journal of Speech "Against Ethics is, in my judgment, one of the most important works on philosophical ethics that has been written in recent years.... Caputo speaks with a passion and a concern that are rare (...)
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  31. There Are No Universal Rules for Induction.John D. Norton - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (5):765-777.
    In a material theory of induction, inductive inferences are warranted by facts that prevail locally. This approach, it is urged, is preferable to formal theories of induction in which the good inductive inferences are delineated as those conforming to some universal schema. An inductive inference problem concerning indeterministic, non-probabilistic systems in physics is posed and it is argued that Bayesians cannot responsibly analyze it, thereby demonstrating that the probability calculus is not the universal logic of induction.
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  32. (1 other version)Time really passes.John D. Norton - 2010 - Humana. Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies 13:23-24.
  33. Why Thought Experiments Do Not Transcend Empiricism.John D. Norton - 2004 - In Christopher Hitchcock, Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 44-66.
    Thought experiments are ordinary argumentation disguised in a vivid pictorial or narrative form. This account of their nature will allow me to show that empiricism has nothing to fear from thought experiments. They perform no epistemic magic. In so far as they tell us about the world, thought experiments draw upon what we already know of it, either explicitly or tacitly; they then transform that knowledge by disguised argumentation. They can do nothing more epistemically than can argumentation. I defend my (...)
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  34.  62
    The material theory of induction.John D. Norton - 2021 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
    The inaugural title in the new, Open Access series BSPS Open, The Material Theory of Induction will initiate a new tradition in the analysis of inductive inference. The fundamental burden of a theory of inductive inference is to determine which are the good inductive inferences or relations of inductive support and why it is that they are so. The traditional approach is modeled on that taken in accounts of deductive inference. It seeks universally applicable schemas or rules or a single (...)
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  35. Infinite Idealizations.John D. Norton - 2012 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 17:197-210.
    1. Approximations of arbitrarily large but finite systems are often mistaken for infinite idealizations in statistical and thermal physics. The problem is illustrated by thermodynamically reversible processes. They are approximations of processes requiring arbitrarily long, but finite times to complete, not processes requiring an actual infinity of time.2. The present debate over whether phase transitions comprise a failure of reduction is confounded by a confusion of two senses of “level”: the molecular versus the thermodynamic level and the few component versus (...)
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  36.  42
    How NOT to build an infinite lottery machine.John D. Norton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 82:1-8.
  37. The anthropic cosmological principle.John D. Barrow - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Frank J. Tipler.
    Ever since Copernicus, scientists have continually adjusted their view of human nature, moving it further and further from its ancient position at the center of Creation. But in recent years, a startling new concept has evolved that places it more firmly than ever in a special position. Known as the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, this collection of ideas holds that the existence of intelligent observers determines the fundamental structure of the Universe. In its most radical version, the Anthropic Principle asserts that (...)
  38.  68
    (1 other version)On Religion.John D. Caputo - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    John D. Caputo explores the very roots of religious thinking in this thought-provoking book. Compelling questions come up along the way: 'What do I love when I love my God?' and 'What can Star Wars tell us about the contemporary use of religion?' Why is religion for many a source of moral guidance in a postmodern, nihilistic age? Is it possible to have 'religion without religion'? Drawing on contemporary images of religion, such as Robert Duvall's film _The Apostle_, Caputo (...)
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  39.  72
    Demythologizing Heidegger.John D. Caputo - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    This book calls for a distinction between dangerous, elitist, hierarchizing myths such as Heidegger's and salutary, liberative, empowering myths that foster the humility of justice.
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    (1 other version)Bioethics & Human Rights: Access to Health-Related Goods.John D. Arras & Elizabeth M. Fenton - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (5):27-38.
    There are many good reasons for a merger between bioethics and human rights. First, though, significant philosophical groundwork must be done to clarify what a human right to health would be and—if we accept that it exists—exactly how it might influence the practical decisions we face about who gets what in very different contexts.
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    John Wyclif.John D. Kronen - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 407–408.
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    Freestanding pragmatism in law and bioethics.John D. Arras - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (2):69-85.
    This paper represents the first installment of alarger project devoted to the relevance of pragmatism forbioethics. One self-consciously pragmatist move would be toreturn to the classical pragmatist canon of Peirce, James andDewey in search of substantive doctrines or methodologicalapproaches that might be applied to current bioethicalcontroversies. Another pragmatist (or neopragmatist) move wouldbe to subject the regnant principlist paradigm to Richard Rorty'ssubversive assaults on foundationalism in epistemology andethics. A third pragmatist method, dubbed ``freestandingpragmatism'' by its proponents, embraces a ``pragmatist'' approachto practical (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Ethical issues in modern medicine.John D. Arras & Robert Hunt (eds.) - 1983 - Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Pub. Co..
    A textbook for undergraduates. Some 70 selections (more than half are new to this edition) follow an introductory essay. Current controversies (surrogacy, genetic engineering, proxy consent) are thoroughly covered. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  44.  42
    Out of the Labyrinth: Einstein, Hertz and Göttingen Answer to the Hole Argument.John D. Norton & Don Howard - 1982 - In John Norton, [no title].
  45.  38
    John Henry Newman's Apologia.John D. Love - 2012 - Newman Studies Journal 9 (1):18-31.
    After examining the ways in which Newman employed the tools of rhetoric in his Apologia pro Vita Sua in response to Charles Kingsley’s charges against him, this essay charts Newman’s use of his personal testimony to proclaim the Gospel and defend the Catholic Faith and concludes with an analysis of the strengths and potential weaknesses of his approach.
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  46. Approximation and Idealization: Why the Difference Matters.John D. Norton - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (2):207-232.
    It is proposed that we use the term “approximation” for inexact description of a target system and “idealization” for another system whose properties also provide an inexact description of the target system. Since systems generated by a limiting process can often have quite unexpected, even inconsistent properties, familiar limit systems used in statistical physics can fail to provide idealizations, but are merely approximations. A dominance argument suggests that the limiting idealizations of statistical physics should be demoted to approximations.
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    Does rank have its privilege? Inductive inferences within folkbiological taxonomies.John D. Coley, Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran - 1997 - Cognition 64 (1):73-112.
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    Inductive Inferences on Galactic Redshift, Understood Materially.John D. Norton - 2023 - In Cristián Soto, Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: In Honor of Roberto Torretti. Springer Verlag. pp. 227-246.
    A two-fold challenge faces any account of inductive inference. It must provide means to discern which are the good inductive inferences or which relations capture correctly the strength of inductive support. It must show us that those means are the right ones. Formal theories of inductive inference provide the means through universally applicable formal schema. They have failed, I argue, to meet either part of the challenge. In their place, I urge that background facts in each domain determine which are (...)
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    Letter to the editor.John D. Collier - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (4):501-503.
  50.  25
    The artful universe.John D. Barrow - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our likes and dislikes--our senses and sensibilities--did not fall ready-made from the sky, argues internationally acclaimed author John D. Barrow. We know we enjoy a beautiful painting or a passionate symphony, but what we don't necessarily understand is that these experiences conjure up latent instincts laid down and perpetuated over millions of years. Now, in The Artful Universe, Barrow explores the close ties between our aesthetic appreciation and the basic nature of the Universe, challenging the commonly held view that (...)
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